Monday, October 15, 2007

RoR Development Environment

So we've decided on using Eclipse as our IDE for developing in RoR. I managed to find this sweet little site that lists everything you need to get started:

It gives all the plugins that one might want for having a nice IDE.

One thing that we discovered was that for DBEdit, we could use Eclipse's software update to handle the plugin. The URI is:

However, I have been unable to get this to work properly. I'm not sure why. I got so pissed off that I had everything working except for DBEdit, that I removed Eclipse entirely, and started from scratch... but in the end, I'm still scratching my head! But my buddy, J , has been able to get his working perfectly fine... I'm a little envious!

For our database, we've settled for MySQL at the moment. It should serve us well for development at least. MySQL fits like a glove for RoR. It's like a match made in heaven!

We're also using SVN for our code repository and TortoiseSVN for Windows. However, we find that the SubClipse plugin for Eclipse is so good that TortoiseSVN is currently unused!

After working out a few kinks here and there, like getting authentication for our SVN repository working (we forgot to remove the read for anonymous users), the development environment is running smoothly.

Well, time to go play with it some more.


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