Saturday, October 27, 2007


So I was reading up on polymorphic associations, and came across tags. Apparently, RoR has support for tags. So I dug a little deeper, and got myself into a mess!

Here's the thing. RoR has something called acts_as_taggable. You create the relevant tables, and then you label a model as taggable, and it can then be tagged. Pretty neat huh? However, there are 2 acts_as_taggable. Yes... 2! And they both have the same name! One is a gem, the other a plugin.

What's interesting is that the plugin was written after the gem, but by the creator of Rails (David Heinemeier Hansson)! So now, I'm having troubles about which one should be used... there seems to be a split in the community, since the gem is documented, but apparently the plugin has good features, but isn't documented. Furthermore, the plugin is the way to go for extending RoR.

Not sure what to do, so I'll research some more, and hopefully come to a decision.


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