Monday, October 29, 2007

Tags Solution

Ok... so what is our solution to tags? We're going to do our own! This is gonna be interesting...

Basically, we couldn't decide which acts_as_taggable we should use, and started digging deeper into both. The plugin had very little documentation, and we needed a rich association table. However, it supported polymorphic associations, but we decided that we wouldn't require such a feature. The gem was lacking in some specifics that we wanted to implement, so in the end, we decided on our own version that was customized to our tastes.

I did come across one called acts_as_taggable_on_steroids which is based on the acts_as_taggable plugin. It includes some nice caching features that are built-in. I think we'll have to read up on caching, as it might be a good idea to cache tags!

Well... it'll definitely be interesting developing our own tags. We'll see what happens!


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