Sunday, October 21, 2007

Another Introduction

Hello, this is J, I'm W's imaginary friend, hidden within the right side of his brain which he seldom uses. That's why I don't speak very often :) Currently my main focus is on the front-end of the website which includes graphic and user interface designs, generating CSS and RHTML files.

For my designs, I try to follow the principle of parsimony (less is better) It is my goal to keep everything as simple and direct as possible, eliminating any unnecessary feature.

Based on past observations, a complex design often leads to a lot of confusion (doesn't matter how impressive it looks). Moreover, the main purpose of UI is not to impress but connect users with business logics behind the scene. (the ugly stuff) Hence the more simple and direct the design, the easier it'll be to understand, and the more effective it becomes.

Enough words said, I think it's time for me to start doodling, I will keep you all updated with my work, so stay tuned!


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