Monday, March 31, 2008

Textmate: Ubuntu style!

If you've ever watched any railscasts, most of them use something called Textmate to edit their files on a Mac. Apparently, it's suppose to be really good.

Well, recently, I've been getting really fed up with Aptana and RadRails. There are lots of things that bug me, like the wait time to save a file and especially the wait time to copy/paste things. It's just horrible. Furthermore, RadRails decides to crap out on me every so often. There are so many errors in the background that I run out of memory. So far, there doesn't seem to be a fix.

Enough of that... I'm moving on to better things, like a Textmate clone: a revved up version of Gedit! Apparently, you can easily make Gedit behave very similarly to Textmate! I followed this guide and so far, everything is smooth.

I haven't tried developing yet. I just installed everything. I'll let you guys know how it goes... but I'm anticipating I'll like this more than RadRails. Only downside is the loss of the SVN plugin and a debugger... I wonder...


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