Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Bugzilla: Round 2

With the previous installations of Bugzilla, there were several configurations that were missing. Firstly, after logging in as an adminstrator, it was not possible to change any of the parameters using the website. Secondly, emails were not working properly. There were several other configuration mistakes as well, but I will not list them here.

So, I present to you Round 2:

Follow the previous instructions in installing the version from the Ubuntu repos.

If you get an error about not being able to log into database, do the following:

>sudo /etc/bugzilla/localconfig
change $db_pass to the correct password, then save
>sudo apt-get remove bugzilla
>sudo apt-get install bugzilla

This should reinstall bugzilla with the correct password to access the database.

Next, we will upgrade to the latest version (3.1.3 at this time):
1. somehow get the 3.1.3 tarball and store it in /var/www/ (wget or straight from Bugzilla's website)
2. >su
3. >tar -zxvf bugzilla-3.1.3.tar.gz (this will create a folder called bugzilla-3.1.3)
4. >cd bugzilla-3.1.3
5. >./ --check-modules (install anything that it tells you to)
6. >gvim localconfig (or use any editor that you prefer)
6.1 change the $webservergroup from 'apache' to 'www-data' (debian linux uses www-data)
6.2 fill in the $db_pass for the 'bugs' user
6.3 save and quit
7. >./ (this should reconfigure a bunch of templates and set everything up)
8. chmod -R 755 . (not sure if we really need to do this)
9. chmod -R 755 /var/lib/bugzilla/data (not sure if we really need to do this)

Now it's time to replace the originally installed Bugzilla from the Ubuntu repos:
1. cd .. (so now we are back in /var/www/)
2. rm -rf bugzilla/*
3. cp -pr bugzilla-3.1.3/* bugzilla/ (not sure if the p is needed)
4. chown www-data:www-data -R bugzilla

Configure apache:
1. >gvim /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
1.1 add to the bottom if not already there:

<Directory /var/www/bugzilla>
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
Options +Indexes +ExecCGI
DirectoryIndex index.cgi
AllowOverride Limit
2. >/etc/init.d/apache2 stop

3. >/etc/init.d/apache2 start (perhaps restart will work here too, but this is safer

Now go to your Bugzilla using your browser and login as the administrator. As a hint, you know it worked if you can get to the home page, DON'T see version '2.22.1 Debian' somewhere (the default look is Dusk, so it should look a little dark - not a white background), and you can login.

After logging in, go to the parameters page (.../bugzilla/editparams.cgi). Set the maintainer, then save. If this works, the installation should be working fine. These were all the parts that were originally giving me problems (page not found, could not write, etc, etc, etc!!!).

If you expect emails to work, try creating a new user account and see if you get any emails in the inbox. However, if you are like me and port 25 is blocked, there's more fun to come ahead ;)

Next post, I will go over how to setup Bugzilla when port 80 and 25 are blocked by your ISP.


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