Tuesday, February 12, 2008

attachment_fu - Controller and View

Upload Image - after all the hard work trying configuring the damn thing, this is where it pays dividends. To create an upload form, all we need are three lines:

<% form_for(:photo, @photo, :url => some_path,
:html => { :multipart => true }) do |f| %>

<%= f.file_field :uploaded_data %> <%= submit_tag "Upload" %>

<% end %>

make sure multipart is set to true, or else it won't work.
Over to the controller side, you just do what you normally do with other create actions

def create

@photo = Photo.new params[:photo]
if @photo.save ... yayaya

and the rest will be handled by attachment_fu

Listing Images - once again, three lines

<% for pic in @photo %>
<%= link_to image_tag(pic.public_filename(:thumb)), pic.public_filename %>
<% end %>

sticking in the :thumb will grab all the thumbnails, leaving it out will grab the bigger version


photo.public_filename #=> /photo/2/file.jpg
photo.public_filename(:thumb) #=> /photo/2/file_thumb.jpg

Delete Image - it's just like any other objects

@photo = Photo.find(id)


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