Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Introducing Rails 2 - Part 1.5

For those who have tried to install rails 2.0 and find it acting all weird afterward. It's probably because you updated rails with an out of date rubygem

if you are having trouble with rails 2.0, you can do a quick check on your rubygem by typing

gem --version

If it's version 0.9.4 or below, then you should update your gem and reinstall rails. You can update rubygem with the following command

gem update --system

This might take awhile, so be patience. After it's done, check the version again by doing

gem --version

and make sure it's at version 1.0.0. Now you can reinstall rails 2.0 by typing

gem install rails --include-dependencies

There's a problem with the old gem, it will only install the rails core for you but skipping ActiveRecord, ActiveResource, and Rake

For those who have an existing project, go into environment.rb and make the following change


give this a try, it works for me


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