Friday, October 17, 2008

VMware Server: Adding a USB

Ever wondered how to add USB capability to your VMware server? Well, I had a little bit of a problem trying to get my USB connected.

I had gone to the settings for my VM and added the USB controller. Then, when I booted up my VM, I went to

VM > Removable Devices > USB Devices > ...

To my surpise, it was empty! I knew my device was plugged in because my Ubuntu detected it, but I couldn't see it. After searching around, I found a solution:

1. power off your VM
2. unplug your USB
3. >sudo gvim /etc/init.d/
4. uncomment lines 42-45 (starts off with #mkdir -p /dev/bus/usb/.usbfs...)
5. >sudo /etc/init.d/ start
6. start your VM
7. plug in your USB
8. add your USB to the VM

Good luck!


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